Hey friends! With Thanksgiving just one week away, all of us at Decor Steals are taking a step back to reflect on everything we have to be grateful for. As we all look around at all the blessings in our lives we have so much to be grateful for! We are especially grateful for the community of stealers that have become family! It's such an incredible feeling to have such an amazing group of people working together to create homes that house our deepest and truest memories.
Practicing gratitude can mean something completely different for each and every one of you. You can show gratitude to both yourself and others. Whether you are getting together with friends, family, or co-workers, it's good to take the time to really enjoy the time you get to spend with those you love! All of you are such a bright light and an important part of the Decor Steals team! Your talent, love, and ongoing encouragement are endlessly inspiring to us and this community of decorators. The way you all lift each other up and inspire each other is pure magic.
We've put together five simple ways to show gratitude in the next week leading up to Thanksgiving! Remember the smallest thing could mean the world to someone else!
Photo Credit: @bigfamilylittelfarmhouse
Practicing gratitude can mean something completely different for each and every one of you. You can show gratitude to both yourself and others. Whether you are getting together with friends, family, or co-workers, it's good to take the time to really enjoy the time you get to spend with those you love! All of you are such a bright light and an important part of the Decor Steals team! Your talent, love, and ongoing encouragement are endlessly inspiring to us and this community of decorators. The way you all lift each other up and inspire each other is pure magic.
Photo Credit: @bonjourfete
We've put together five simple ways to show gratitude in the next week leading up to Thanksgiving! Remember the smallest thing could mean the world to someone else!
- Love note! - Sometime before Thanksgiving write a note to someone. Doesn't matter who...just pick someone you'd like to know just how much they mean to you. Or if you are hosting Thanksgiving this year, how about writing a short note to everyone invited? Something as simple as getting little pumpkin spice candles and attaching a note to everyone who came. Your family and friends will appreciate it so much!
- Compliments Every Day! - If you like someone's new decor set up, their positive attitude, their outfit, or their smile, tell them! Tell your best friend her new paint color or her new sweater is fabulous! You can also do a little random feature on your IG story about them...never know when someone needs a good compliment to brighten their day!
- Coffee - okay let's be real...most of us need coffee to get our day going and sometimes your daily routine of coffee can get a little boring. If it's that peppermint latte you really want, get it! And if you've noticed that your coworkers or someone in your friend circle is having a stressful week, pick them up a cup of coffee and write on the side of their cup something to pick them up. It will make their day!
- Sweet Texts - Send a random text right now to 5 people or more in your life and let them know how much you appreciate them. Think of the times that you've gotten those random texts from someone and how happy they made you feel. It's the simple things in life that truly mean the most.
- Shop - Go ahead and buy something for yourself. Whether it's those throw pillows you've been wanting to get or that dress you've been looking at in the store window. It's okay to treat yourself now and again. Especially when you've been treating others we can sometimes forget to do things for ourselves. It's good to keep a strong balance between these in life and never lose sight of either.
I’m so very thankful for my family and my 2 grandsons! I’m thankful for the Christian life we lead and our love for Jesus Christ
I’m grateful for:
My Children
My Family
So much more that I don’t have enough room for….